Alumni Only Programs
Alumni are given exclusive access to alumni-only events, such as factory tours, family events, and access to a number of special events and functions throughout the Atlantic region.
Membership in the Wallace McCain Institute (WMI) starts by being chosen into one of the three peer group programs and paying an annual $100 fee.
Outside of their core programs there are other opportunities showcased below that all members can access and add ongoing value to their membership.

Backstage Pass Tours
Exclusive experiences for all members at leading business facilities in the Greater Atlantic Area.
- Interact and build deeper relationships with members and other top CEO’s from other peer groups, regions, and industries.
- See a large variety of best practices in innovation, safety, design, process flow, construction, team leadership and more.
- Debrief with trusted peers on what you saw and heard, leave with takeaways and shared wisdom.

One Life Weekend
WMI supports the needs of our entrepreneurial business leaders in both their work and their families, because it is all “one life”.
In August each year we hold our annual “family reunion” at a rotating retreat location. This weekend getaway will be open to all WMI members and their families.
The program design is flexible and customized based on the types and number of families that register.

Networking Opportunities
WMI holds a number of receptions and events each year for networking with both members and the greater business community of the Greater Atlantic Area (GAA)
On top of these WMI hosted events there is also and amplification of networking strength at any major networking event since all alumni can be proudly identified by their WMI pin and instantly offers a strong common background, shared language and trust.