Entrepreneurial Leaders Program

Be part of the most rewarding and challenging program for growth-stage entrepreneurs in Atlantic Canada.


more likely to succeed

An exceptional group of growth-stage entrepreneurs are invited each year to participate in the Entrepreneurial Leaders Program (ELP). The program is built with an entrepreneurial learning style in mind as a peer group-based program where they are given what they need to grow as leaders, CEOs and most importantly, as individuals.


The profile of the participants in the Entrepreneurial Leaders Program ranges from “accidental entrepreneurs” to leaders finding themselves at the helm of an existing company. Increase your chances of success by participating with peers that:

  • Are running a business they founded, inherited or purchased.
  • Are ready to “bust-out” with new products, export, plant expansion and/or hiring.
  • Have growing staff and revenue.
  • May or may not have formal business education.
  • Are honest and open high potential entrepreneurs following a passion.
  • Are committed to a head office in the Greater Atlantic Area.

About The Program.

Watch this video for a first hand look.

Is ELP for me?

Watch this video to learn more about ideal participant.

Am I in the right place?

Watch for more on the stages of growth and how ELP can help.


What the selection committee will be looking for

  • Exhibit personal tenacity and drive
  • Growth/export potential
  • Serial entrepreneurial behaviour
  • Outside community involvement

Session Structure

The program includes twelve monthly sessions that are two days each (except for the first and last which are 3 days long). Sessions are designed to include 25% external content from speakers and 75% internal content from participants. Each session usually follow this schedule:

Day 1

9 - 12 Goal Review and Forum Updates
12 - 1 Lunch
1 - 4 Workshop
4 - 6 Break
5 - 7 Dinner
7 - 8:30 Fireside Chat with Keynote Guest

Day 2

9 - 12 Deep Dives & Roundtables
12 - 1 Lunch
1 - 3 Deep Dives & Roundtables
3 - 5 Peer Coaching & Goal Setting

Topics and Schedule

The following are the dates of the program for next year.


July 9-12

Leadership, Entrepreneurship & ELP Launch Session

Aug 7-9

Strategic Foresight & Planning

The need for efficient execution
Sept 4-6

Change, Digital Transformation & Innovation

Ideas & Execution
Oct 2-4

HR & Succession

Mobilizing & Motivating
Nov 6-8

Boards & Governance

Creating a corporate culture for now & the future
Dec 4-6

Customer Profiling

No customers = no business = failure


Jan 8-10

Product management

Translating customers’ needs to actions
Feb 5-7

Marketing Tactics

Finding the right way to communicate with your audience
March 5-7

Sales management

Get results with the right behaviour
Apr 9-11

Financial Management & Tax Planning

Nuances & Investing
May 7-9

Financing the Plan

Cashflow & Growth Management
Jun 4-7

Graduation/Going Forward

Change Management


The majority of sessions will be held at a retreat where the group will have exclusive use of the facility. All meals and meetings will occur on site. At least one session per year will take place in each of the Atlantic provinces.

Application Process

If you are an entrepreneur who is ready to take it to the next level of growth, then you are encouraged to apply for the Entrepreneurial Leaders Program (ELP).  The application deadline is March 31st.

Before you Apply:

  • Familiarize yourself with information on ELP as well as WMI by reading through this website and connecting with alumni from across the region.
  • Check the program dates above or within the brochure to ensure you don’t have date conflicts.
  • Read over this downloadable example application below as a guideline. The application process is now online, but the example is still relevant.
  • Contact to request more information or to set up a call with WMI staff.

Apply here

After you apply:

  • Applications are sent to the judges after the March 31st deadline
  • Finalists will be notified in mid-April that they are invited for a Face:Face interview in late May
  • Finalists will be asked to submit a short bio and survey by April 30th
  • The new members will be chosen and announced during the final day of interviews in May
  • The program commences in July


Our retreats rotate across the Atlantic Provinces, with the majority in NB and NS.

The total program cost is over $30,000, including speakers, program materials, accommodations, and meals. WMI, as a charity, fundraises over 60% of the costs, thus, the participant pays $12,000+HST. Some provincial grants may be available through government departments.

Note: A non-refundable deposit of $1500 must be paid on acceptance into the program to secure your spot. Some provincial/federal government funding programs will provide subsidies for up to 50% of the costs of the program.

Click to see what current participants have to say

Download our printable 2024/2025 brochure

Are you ready to grow?

The Entrepreneurial Leaders program may be for you.

Increase your chances of success by adding on the honest, open, experiences of other entrepreneurs who have dealt with similar issues